I want to get as many people to "LIKE" my "A Kiss on the Chic's Creative Retreat" Facebook Page as possible, so here's what I would LOVE for you to do:
Tell your friends about my FB "PAGE", get people to GO onto Facebook and "LIKE" the "A Kiss on the Chic's Creative Retreats" FB PAGE and then tell me you've "SHARED" about it and I will enter you into a DRAWING!!! Just leave a comment on my FB page (either the Laura McCollough one or the A Kiss on the Chic's Creative Retreat one) to tell me you shared about it on your blog, your FB page or whatever social media you have and you'll be entered to WIN!!
Here's the link: A-Kiss-on-the-Chics-Creative-Retreats FB Page
Tell your friends about my FB "PAGE", get people to GO onto Facebook and "LIKE" the "A Kiss on the Chic's Creative Retreats" FB PAGE and then tell me you've "SHARED" about it and I will enter you into a DRAWING!!! Just leave a comment on my FB page (either the Laura McCollough one or the A Kiss on the Chic's Creative Retreat one) to tell me you shared about it on your blog, your FB page or whatever social media you have and you'll be entered to WIN!!
Here's the link: A-Kiss-on-the-Chics-Creative-Retreats FB Page
SO, want to know what the drawing is for???
You can have a CLASS KIT of your choice, a $25 Starbucks Gift card OR...
$100 OFF of the Creative Retreat in Italy REGISTRATION!! You can use this for the Italy Retreat this year or next, or you can get $50 off the Arizona Retreat in March!!
So please go SHARE!!
Thanks! xoxo