Thursday, May 24, 2012

Happy News to SHARE...  I'm SO excited, I can't keep it a secret anymore!

Now that things are coming to a close on sign ups for the Women's Retreat in Bellagio THIS September,  I wanted to give you a bit of a SNEAK on a FUTURE event!

I have had a lot of ladies email or ask me about doing ANOTHER Retreat in Bellagio for 2013.  I just didn't know if this 1st one was going to work out and I didn't know if it was something that people would want to do again or if I would be able to do it again...

Well, after some thought and LOTS of prayer I can tell you that there are some things set in motion for our 2nd Annual Women's Retreat in Bellagio, Italy!

Yes!  I can't believe it but if all goes well, I am SO excited to share a this NEWS with YOU!  I don't have everything set with teachers, excursions and pricing yet, but I DO have the DATES for event in 2013.

So without further ado...

The 2nd Annual Event will be held the week of June 15th - 22nd of 2013!  This will be in the Summer for most everyone, so those who couldn't make it to our September event this year may be able to fit this one in their schedule for next year!

I'm so humbled and honored that there are people who want to join me as I travel to Italy and share my love of this beautiful country and my love of artsy fun with YOU.  It is such a blessing to be able to share these loves with people.  It truly is an amazing part of the world and creating events like this is something I love doing and have dreamt of doing for years!


If you have an interest in joining a wonderful event in beautiful Italy NEXT Summer, please email me and I will put you on the "INTEREST" list.  It will again be a "smallish" group of ladies, probably around 25 ladies, so if this is something you would like to do,  get your name on the list soon!!  I have a specific amount of apartments reserved for next Summer and because it's their peak time, they may not be able to give me any more than that.  So it's going to be a first come, first serve thing since I can only fit so many ladies in the apartments.  But I will fill you in on all the options for accommodations soon.

For now, just wanted to SHARE my excitement and get an "INTERESTED" list started!  I have so many ideas going through my head and I KNOW this 2nd Annual Event will be as GREAT as the 1st!

Hope you're as excited as I am!!

Take care and have a WONDERFUL Memorial Weekend,


So open the door to the possibility...


  1. You are one busy girl and a super event planner...

  2. I am not sure of your email address, but please include me in the interested list!

  3. Please included me on your 2013 interest list. Thank you!

  4. Please include me in your interest list for 2 people please.
