Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Today I was thinking about Italy.  Well, that's not unusual since I think about it EVERY day.  But I was going through my photos from this past summer in Bellagio and wanted to see if I had a picture of me that was sitting, looking out, pondering life while in Italy.  Haven't found that photo yet, but thought I would share something kind of close to that.

This is part of the equation, just not me in the picture.  So picture yourself here, sitting at that table looking out at that lake.  (The little island in the middle is where Villa del Balbianello sits, perched on the edge of the island and is a beautiful villa to look at from here.)  So you're sitting here, pondering how GREAT life is at this moment and you think you might be sipping from a nice glass of wine.  Well, you might be... but before the wine comes, you will be sipping THIS:


Oh yeah baby, THE BEST SODA EVER!!  We tried it last summer and LOVED IT and then this summer it was the first thing we requested when we got to Al Veluu !  (check out their website, it's the MOST AMAZING Restaurant on the lake) So the owner, Luca, said he was going to have to order more because we were drinking it all!  lol..  This soda comes from the Amalfi Coast of Italy.  They get the lemons right on the edges of the lake and turn them into this AMAZING lemon soda that you CAN'T get in the U.S, except for on Ebay for a TON of money or at a little local Italian deli in NYC.  But next September.... Look out Luca, we are going to need a TON of Gazzosa for all my friends!!! 

(That's Luca next to me.  He's more than the owner, he's a friend to everyone who comes here)

These are the kinds of things you remember from traveling here, the little things that put a smile on your face months or even years later...

Now I'll go back to looking for my photo.  But I can't say I won't be back with more photo's I just can't resist sharing! :)


We have a REALLY FUN surprise to tell!

A dear friend of mine, Stayce DeWid is going to Bellagio with us and I'm SO excited!!!

Stayce DeWid is going to join us in Bellagio, Italy next September to teach a class and a make-n-take!!!  I'm SO excited that she is coming along with us!  She is a friend, an "A Kiss on the Chic" Kit Club lady who bought my kits, a talented artist, and a JOY to be around!  So please welcome Stayce to our Italy Retreat!!

She works with a lot of Scrapbook Companies and I know she's going to be bringing some AMAZING talent and goodies with her to Italy!  So come join us for a Once-in-a-lifetime event!!

Speaking of the Event...  I had a lady want to sign up but said she was busy at that time (Sept. 15-22, 2012) and wanted to know if I was going to have another one in 2013?  The answer to that is most likely no.  I would LOVE to plan this every year, but unless I have an overwhelming response to the one in 2012, I don't think I will be doing it in 2013.  So NOW IS YOUR CHANCE LADIES! hehehe...

And, don't forget you can SECURE your spot for just $!100 right now!  Spots are filling up, I just had some more sign ups in the last couple days, so don't MISS OUT.  I want EVERYONE to come if you can and I don't want it to be too late for someone either.  You can make payments next year, so just sign up TODAY and you'll be set!

I'm going to be posting a tentative itinerary on this blog later this week.  I wanted to go over a bit of our schedule because I've had a few ladies wonder about that.  I want to let you in on some time frames and such, because I can't WAIT to let you know how much FUN this is going to be!  You have a WHOLE WEEK on Lake Como ladies!  This is an AMAZING treat and I want to show you ALL the wonderful parts of it!  We are SO close to the ALPS that you can see them from your rooms, there's such quaint little towns dotted all along the lake, there's museums, villas, gardens, shopping, outlets, architecture... Pretty much EVERYTHING your heart desires right here in this JEWEL of a location!  And YOU will get to enjoy what YOU want!  I've got several different types of tours set up but YOU will get to pick what you want to do!  

So, more details later this week on that...

Have a GREAT day,


Thursday, November 24, 2011

...From Italy!  

I wanted to wish you all a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and thought I'd edit a photo we took while in Lake Como, Italy this summer.  It is to remind us all of what a BLESSING it is to have friends and family that support us in our CREATIVE endeavors!

And in honor of the Holidays FAST approaching, I wanted to let you know of a Christmas SPECIAL I'm having for our ITALY RETREAT until the end of December!  I know some of you want to join us next September 15th- 22nd, 2012 but right now you have extra expenses and can't spend the $550 for the first payment to secure your spot.  


from now until January 1st, you can RESERVE YOUR SPOT for $100!

Yes, if you want to join us next September in Lake Como, Italy for a week long DREAM vacation of relaxing, creating and touring the lake side villages of Bellagio, Italy,  YOU can SIGN UP NOW FOR $100 and reserve your spot!!  Just go to the REGISTRATION PAGE and you will see the "RESERVE YOUR SPOT" button.  This $100 payment will HOLD your spot for the retreat without having to spend the $550 sign up fee required. You will then start your regular payments on January 15th and the difference in the amount owed for the total price of the trip will be added to the last payment/s. 

This is a GREAT way to SECURE your spot and it's easy on the Christmas budget right now.

We are really excited about this trip and I know all of us teachers can't WAIT to enjoy this time with all of you in beautiful Italy!!

And, as a SURPRISE...

I am going to REVEAL a new "twist" to the event!  We have another TEACHER joining us!

So check back here next Monday to see who it is!!

Hugs to all,
